Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Outcomes of 5/19/09 Meeting

  • LeadMine Road vicinity will be closed on Sunday August 30, 2009 from 7:30am - 11am for a road race organized by AE Finley YMCA
  • The City of Raleigh has been granted 14 AmeriCorps VISTA members who will serve in the City Managers Office, Community Services, Public Utilities, Administrative Services and Information Technology. The national VISTA program fights poverty by providing indirect service to increase the organizational capacity of programs working with impoverished communities. Locally, "Raleigh Invests in People and Communities" will utilize VISTA members to enhance the City's efforts to build the personal capacities of individuals living in poverty and the organizational capacity of impoverished communities to control their destinies and rise out of poverty. The VISTA initiative is of no cost to the City, with an expected value of $249, 270
  • City Police Officers will now be able to issue civil penalties for nuisance party and noise violations. While officers still have the right to issue misdemeanor criminal charges, a civil penalty reduces burdens on the court and does not result in a permanent criminal record against the offender. Text of the ordinance.
  • Approval for Downtown WiFi passed 6-1 and will be installed by local company WindChannel Communications. This infrastructure investment continues to assure Raleigh as a 21st century city attracting business and enterprise to boost our economy. Councillors raised questions about extending this service to other parts of the City particularly North Hills, Crabtree and low-income communities. City Manager Allen suggested the VISTA volunteers particularly explore the later.
  • Public Hearing scheduled for July 21 to consider an ordinance to regulate Front Yard Parking for Single Family Detached Dwellings based on Councillor Crowder's proposal suggested in Budget & Economic Development Committee.
  • City Manager Russell Allen presented the FY2009-2010 Budget which will be reviewed by Council and City Staff during work sessions every Monday afternoon in June at 4pm.
  • The Mayor's Unity Day on 1/17/09 organized by the Raleigh Human Relations Commission was a huge success and attended by almost 200 people. Topics of discussion included discussion on diversity, employment, gang prevention, immigration and faith.
  • The newly formed "Raleigh Wake Partnership to End & Prevent Homelessness" presented an update on their efforts and various programs working to achieve the "Raleigh/Wake 10 year Plan to End & Prevent Homelessness" as adopted by the City Council and Wake County Commissioners.
Zoning Cases - North Raleigh relevant
  • Z-22-09 Six Forks Rd, east side, northeast of I440 - moved to Comprehensive Planning Committee for further review.

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