Thursday, December 16, 2010

2011 Environmental Awards

The City of Raleigh is now accepting nominations from the public for the 2011 Environmental Awards. The Awards Ceremony will be held April 21, and the deadline for nominations is January 19.

This year, awards will be given in the following twelve categories.
  • The Raleigh Environmental Stewardship Award is an overall award for an individual or organization that has shown leadership in sustainable development.

  • Environmental Awareness in Leadership or Teaching awards demonstrated leadership or teaching about the environment.

  • The Legacy Award recognizes a lifelong contribution to the environment by a person or organization.

  • The Natural Resource Conservation Award recognizes a substantial conservation effort of our water, wastewater, reuse water, residuals and biosolids, air quality, or stormwater.

  • The Green Design Award recognizes sustainably built structures, and green innovation in design and construction.

  • The Regional Award recognizes air quality improvements in surrounding areas.

  • Pioneering Efforts are recognized in any environmental area.

  • The Market Transformation Award is given to manufacturers, retailers, or marketers who promote products, services, and choices that lessen the impact on the environment and health.

  • The Urban Stewardship Award recognizes an individual that volunteers in a community to lead sustainable programs.

  • The Water Efficient Landscaping Award is a first-time award that will be given to recognize a project or organization for water conservation or truly efficient landscaping.

  • The Institutional Innovation Award will honor a government entity that has been innovative in environmental stewardship.

  • Several of our communities youth are also recognized for their efforts in environmental stewardship.

Nomination forms and more information about the 2011 Environmental Awards are available here.

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