Saturday, February 20, 2010

25th Annual Emerging Issues Forum

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the 25th Annual Emerging Issues Forum! Twenty-five years ago the Forum began by looking at the topic of innovation. This year, the topic for the Forum was “Creativity iNC!” Speakers discussed the need for community leaders to embrace new ideas and approaches in order to achieve positive results. Two of the speakers that I particularly enjoyed were Daniel Pink and Bill Strickland.

Mr. Daniel Pink, author of A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future and contributing editor of Wired, spoke on ways that business, government, and non-profit can encourage right brain thinking.

Mr. Strickland is the President and CEO of Manchester Bidwell Corporation, and a nationally recognized visionary who authentically delivers educational and cultural opportunities to students and adults within an organizational culture that fosters innovation, creativity, responsibility, and integrity. Strickland’s Manchester Bidwell provides opportunities for creative and cultural growth for the youth of the greater Pittsburgh area. I enjoyed hearing his thoughts on way in which creativity can be used to find solutions to social challenges.

The Emerging Issues Forum was a great reminder of just how important it is to remain receptive to new ideas and ways of thinking!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Groundbreakings in North Raleigh

This is going to be a busy week with two groundbreaking ceremonies in North Raleigh!

The first is on Wednesday February 3rd at 2 pm for the
opening of the newest Whole Foods in Raleigh! There was a huge outpouring of community
support for this development, and we are looking forward to the jobs and opportunities this new store will bring to North Raleigh. Please come out and join us at the Colonnade Center on Six Forks and Forum Drive.

The Upper Neuse Greenway Trail has its groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday February 4th at 2 pm at the Falls Lake Canoe Launch. This new section of the Greenway will consist of 10-feet-wide, asphalt trail, seven greenway bridges, 1480 linear feet of elevated boardwalk, 1410 feet of access road, paved parking, a railroad underpass shelter, landscaping, park furniture, and erosion and sedimentation controls. This will be a great addition to Raleigh's wonderful greenway system and will provide fun, safe ways to enjoy the great outdoors.