Monday, November 30, 2009

2009-2011 Council

Please enjoy this short video of reflections on my first term and goals for the upcoming year!

Tonight, November 30 the new City Council will be sworn in at 7pm in the Cabarrus Street Lobby of the Convention Center. The public is invited to attend. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Convention Center is LEED certified!

The Raleigh Convention Center was planned and built in an environmentally and locally conscious way. From the breakdown of the old building, to the photography exhibit that chronicled the workers, to the construction of the impressive new building, to the local artist who made the Shimmer Wall - the process strove to respect our local landscape.

The ultimate award for green building is LEED certification, and our convention center was recently awarded LEED SILVER!
It is important that Raleigh continue to set high standards for environmental and economic sustainability. Our convention center is a great symbol for continued cultural and economic opportunities in Raleigh as well as the revitalization of downtown.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Upper Neuse Greenway Trail

Today the City Council approved construction of the Upper Neuse River Greenway Trail!

More than $3.6 million of the project’s cost is covered by federal funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Once complete, the trail will extend nearly eight miles from Falls of Neuse Road to the CASL Soccer Complex on Perry Creek Road.

This new section of the Greenway will consist of 10-feet-wide, asphalt trail, seven greenway bridges, 1480 linear feet of elevated boardwalk, 1410 feet of access road, paved parking, a railroad underpass shelter, landscaping, park furniture, and erosion and sedimentation controls.